Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- BlockCacheStrategyInterface
- A cache strategy will cache a block differently according to various options
- BlockInterface
- Defines a block. Blocks are defined by providers, they can have various options
and can be assigned to theme's regions.
- BlockProviderInterface
- A block provider, can define several blocks. Their blocks can be modified through events.
- CraftFieldInterface
- Class that handles most Craft fields (all of them apart from Matrix and Table)
- DisplayerInterface
- Base interface for displayers
- DisplayInterface
- A display is assigned to a view mode, it has an `item` which can be a field or a group
- DisplayItemInterface
- Generic interface for display items.
- FieldDisplayerInterface
- A displayer renders one and one only type of field, it can have options.
- FieldInterface
- A field is a type of item, it can handle a Craft field or a theme field (title, author etc)
- FileDisplayerInterface
- A file displayer renders an asset. It can handle several file kinds
- FileFieldDisplayerInterface
- Interface for field displayers that render files (Assets, user photo etc)
- GroupInterface
- A group is a type of item, it can contains several displays
- HasDisplaysInterface
- Interface for classes that have displays (view mode or groups for example)
- LayoutInterface
- A layout is associated to a theme and unless it's a custom layout, to a Craft element.
- RegionInterface
- Regions are defined by themes, and are assigned to layouts. They can have blocks.
- ThemeInterface
- A theme is a regular plugin, it defines regions and can extend another theme.
- ThemePreferencesInterface
- Each theme define some preferences which control the classes and attributes
of the page elements when they are rendered.
- ViewModeInterface
- A view mode has displays associated to it, it's associated to a layout.
- BlocksAssets
- DisplayAssets
- ElementsAssets
- FieldsAsset
- ListAssets
- RulesAssets
- SettingsAssets
- ShortcutsAssets
- SlickAssets
- SlickLibAssets
- ThemesBaseAssets
- UtilitiesAssets
- VueAssets
- BlockCacheStrategy
- Base class for all block cache strategies
- BlockProvider
- Base class for all block providers
- TemplatesUtility
- ThemePlugin
- Base class for all themes
- ThemePreferences
- Default class for all theme preferences
- LayoutBehavior
- This behaviour is attached to some Craft elements (CategoryGroup, EntryType, Volume, TagGroup, GlobalSet)
- ProductTypeLayoutBehavior
- This behaviour is attached to all product types. Behaviors on product types can't be added before commerce 3.4.12.
- GlobalBlockCache
- This strategy will cache blocks regardless of the url.
- PathBlockCache
- This strategy will cache blocks differently for each url path.
- QueryBlockCache
- This strategy will cache blocks differently for each url path, query string included.
- FormsBlockProvider
- Provides forms blocks
- SystemBlockProvider
- Provides default system blocks
- CreateController
- InstallController
- ScssController
- Controller
- CpAjaxController
- Controller for various ajax actions
- CpBlocksAjaxController
- Controller for ajax actions related to blocks
- CpBlocksController
- Controller for actions related to blocks
- CpDisplayAjaxController
- Controller for ajax actions related to displays
- CpDisplayController
- Controller for actions related to displays
- CpRulesController
- Controller for actions related to rules
- CpThemesController
- Controller for actions related to theme list
- CpViewModesAjaxController
- Controller for ajax actions related to view modes
- AvailableLayoutsEvent
- Event to register available layouts
- BlockEvent
- DefinableOptionsDefinitions
- DisplayEvent
- LayoutEvent
- RegisterBlockCacheStrategies
- RegisterBlockProviderBlocks
- RegisterBlockProviders
- RegisterBundles
- RegisterDisplayerTargetsEvent
- RegisterFieldDefaultDisplayerEvent
- RegisterFieldDisplayerEvent
- RegisterFieldsEvent
- RegisterFileDefaultDisplayerEvent
- RegisterFileDisplayerEvent
- RegisterLayoutTypesEvent
- Event to register layout types
- RelatedPluginsEvent
- Event to register plugins related to themes
- RenderEvent
- ResolveRequestLayoutEvent
- ScssCompilerEvent
- ThemeEvent
- ViewModeEvent
- BlockException
- BlockProviderException
- CreatorException
- DefinableOptionsException
- DisplayException
- DisplayMatrixException
- FieldDisplayerException
- FieldException
- FileDisplayerException
- GroupException
- InlineScssException
- LayoutException
- ScssBundleException
- ThemeException
- ViewModeException
- AttributeBag
- Defines a list of attributes for a html element.
- ClassBag
- Defines a list of classes for a html element.
- PluginsHelper
- Helper for operations related to plugins
- ProjectConfigHelper
- Helper to ensure some project config changes are applied before others
- Templates
- Helper related to themes templating
- ViewModesHelper
- ReinstallLayoutsJob
- Reinstall all layouts
- Install
- m211129_192847_InstallV3
- m211129_192847_InstallV3 migration.
- m220228_090716_AddLayoutParent
- m220228_090716_AddLayoutParent migration.
- m220303_071106_AddParentTable
- m220303_071106_AddParentTable migration.
- m220515_082839_AddParentDataField
- m220515_082839_AddParentDataField migration.
- Block
- Base class for all blocks
- GlobalOptions
- Global block cache strategy options
- AssetBlockOptions
- Options for the asset block
- CategoryBlockOptions
- Options for the category block
- ContentBlockOptions
- Options for the content block
- CurrentUserBlockOptions
- Options for the current user block
- EntryBlockOptions
- Options for the entry block
- FlashMessagesBlockOptions
- Options for the flash messages block
- GlobalBlockOptions
- Options for the global block
- LoginFormBlockOptions
- Options for the login form block
- ProfileFormBlockOptions
- Options for the profile form block
- RegisterFormBlockOptions
- Options for the block register form
- ResetPasswordFormBlockOptions
- Options for the reset password form block
- SearchFormBlockOptions
- Options for the search form block
- SetPasswordFormBlockOptions
- Options for the set password form block
- SiteNameBlockOptions
- Options for the site name block
- TemplateBlockOptions
- Options for the template block
- TwigBlockOptions
- Options for the twig block
- UserBlockOptions
- Options for the user block
- BlockOptions
- Default class for block options
- AssetBlock
- Block displaying some assets
- CategoryBlock
- Block displaying some categories
- ContentBlock
- Special block to handle the content of the page.
- CurrentUserBlock
- Block displaying the current user
- EntryBlock
- Block displaying some entries
- FlashMessagesBlock
- Block displaying the session flash messages
- GlobalBlock
- Block displaying a global set
- LoginFormBlock
- Block displaying the login form
- ProfileFormBlock
- Block displaying the profile form
- RegisterFormBlock
- Block displaying the register form
- ResetPasswordFormBlock
- Block displaying the reset password form
- SearchFormBlock
- Block displaying the search form
- SetPasswordFormBlock
- Block displaying the set password form
- SiteNameBlock
- Block displaying the site name
- TemplateBlock
- Block displaying a custom template
- TwigBlock
- Block displaying some custom twig code
- UserBlock
- Block displaying some users
- BlockStrategyOptions
- Default class for block strategy options
- DefinableOptions
- Base class for a set of options that have definitions
- Display
- DisplayItem
- Base class for all items
- DisplayMatrixType
- Class that handles a block type inside a matrix
- DisplayNeoType
- Class that handles a block type inside a neo field
- DisplaySuperTableType
- Class that handles a block type inside a super table
- EventDefinableOptions
- Base class for a set of options that have definitions that can be modified through an event
- Field
- Base class for all fields
- FieldDisplayer
- Base class for all field displayers
- AllowedQtyDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- AssetLinksOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- AssetRenderedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- AssetRenderFileOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- AssetSlickOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- CategoryLabelOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- CategoryRenderedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- CategorySlickOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- CheckboxesLabelOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- ColourDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- DateOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- DateTimeOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- DimensionsDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- DropdownLabelOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- ElementLinkOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- ElementLinksOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- EmailEmailOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- EntryRenderedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- EntrySlickOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- FileFileOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- LightswitchLabelOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- LinkFieldDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- MatrixDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- MatrixSlickOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- MultiSelectLabelOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- NeoDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- NumberDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- PlainTextFullOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- PlainTextTruncatedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- PriceDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- ProductRenderedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- RadioButtonsLabelOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- RedactorFullOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- RedactorTruncatedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- StockDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- SuperTableDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- SuperTableSlickOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- TableDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- TagLabelOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- TagRenderedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- TagSlickOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- TagTitleTitleOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- TimeAgoOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- TimeOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- TitleTitleOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- UrlLinkOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- UserDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- UserRenderedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- UserSlickOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- VariantRenderedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- VariantsRenderedOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- WeightDefaultOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- FieldDisplayerOptions
- Base class for all field displayer options
- AllowedQtyDefault
- Renders a variant dimensions
- AssetLinks
- Renders some assets as links
- AssetRendered
- Renders an asset field as rendered using a view mode
- AssetRenderFile
- Renders the file of an asset field
- AssetSlick
- Renders an asset field as a slick carousel
- CategoryLabel
- Renders a category field as a list
- CategoryRendered
- Renders a category field as rendered using a view mode
- CategorySlick
- Renders an asset field as a slick carousel
- CheckboxesLabel
- Renders a checkboxes field
- ColourDefault
- Renders a colour field
- Date
- Renders a date field
- DateTime
- Renders a date field
- DimensionsDefault
- Renders a variant dimensions
- DropdownLabel
- Renders a dropdown field
- ElementLink
- Renders one element's url as link
- ElementLinks
- Renders some elements as links
- EmailEmail
- Renders an email field
- EntryRendered
- Renders an entry field as rendered using a view mode
- EntrySlick
- Renders an entry field as a slick carousel
- FileFile
- Renders an asset file
- LightswitchLabel
- Renders a lightswitch field
- LinkFieldDefault
- Renders one link field
- MatrixDefault
- Renders a matrix field
- MatrixSlick
- Renders a matrix field as a slick carousel
- MultiSelectLabel
- Renders a multiselect field
- NeoDefault
- Renders a Neo field
- NumberDefault
- Renders a number field
- PlainTextPlain
- Renders a plain text field
- PlainTextTruncated
- Renders a plain text field as truncated
- PriceDefault
- Renders a variant price
- ProductRendered
- Renders a product field as rendered using a view mode
- ProductVariantsRendered
- Renders the variants of a product
- RadioButtonsLabel
- Renders a radio butons field
- RedactorFull
- Renders a redactor field
- RedactorTruncated
- Renders a redactor field as truncated
- StockDefault
- Renders a number field
- SuperTableDefault
- Renders a super table field
- SuperTableSlick
- Renders a super table field as a slick carousel
- TableDefault
- Renders a table field
- TagLabel
- Renders a tag field as a list
- TagRendered
- Renders a tag field as rendered using a view mode
- TagSlick
- Renders a tag field as a slick carousel
- TagTitle
- Renders a tag title field
- Time
- Renders a time field
- TimeAgo
- Renders a date field as time ago
- TitleTitle
- Renders a title field
- UrlLink
- Renders a url field
- UserDefault
- Renders the author of an entry
- UserRendered
- Renders a user field as rendered using a view mode
- UserSlick
- Renders a user field as a slick carousel
- VariantRendered
- Renders a product field as rendered using a view mode
- WeightDefault
- Renders a variant dimensions
- AllowedQty
- Handles the min and max quantity of a variant
- Author
- The field Author is added to all channels and structures
- CraftField
- Handles all Craft fields apart from Matrix and Table
- DateCreated
- Handles the dateUpdated value of elements
- DateUpdated
- Handles the dateCreated value of elements
- Dimensions
- Handles the stock of variants
- ElementUrl
- Handles the element url for entries and categories
- ExpiryDate
- Handles the dateCreated value of elements
- File
- The field File is added to all assets automatically
- Matrix
- Handles a Craft matrix field
- Missing
- Handles a missing field
- NeoField
- Handles a Neo field
- PostDate
- Handles the postDate value of entry elements
- Price
- Handles the price of variants or products
- Sku
- Handles the SKU of variants or products
- Stock
- Handles the stock of variants or products
- SuperTable
- Handles a Super table field
- Table
- Handles a Craft table field
- TableField
- Handles a field inside a table field
- TagTitle
- The field TagTitle is added to all tag group layouts automatically
- Title
- The field Title is added to all entry types, category groups and volume layouts automatically
- UserEmail
- Handles the email of user layouts
- UserFirstName
- Handles the first name of user layouts
- UserLastLoginDate
- Handles the lastLoginDate value of users
- UserLastName
- Handles the last name of user layouts
- UserPhoto
- Handles the username of user layouts
- UserUsername
- Handles the username of user layouts
- Variants
- Handles the stock of variants
- Weight
- Handles the weight of a variant
- FileDisplayer
- Base class for all file displayers
- CodeOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- HtmlAudioOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- HtmlVideoOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- IframeOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- ImageFullOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- ImageTransformOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- LinkOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- RawOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- FileDisplayerOptions
- Base class for all file displayers options
- Code
- Renders a file as code
- HtmlAudio
- Renders an audio file
- HtmlVideo
- Renders a video file
- Iframe
- Renders a file as iframe
- ImageFull
- Renders an image full size
- ImageTransform
- Renders an image as a transform
- Link
- Renders a file as link
- Raw
- Renders a file as raw content
- Group
- Class for a group of displays
- CategoryLayout
- A layout associated to a category group and a theme
- CustomLayout
- Custom layout, defined by the user
- EntryLayout
- A layout associated to a entry type and a theme
- GlobalLayout
- A layout associated to a global set and a theme
- Layout
- The default layout
- ProductLayout
- A layout associated to a volume and a theme
- TagLayout
- A layout associated to a tag group and a theme
- UserLayout
- A layout associated to the user layout and a theme
- VariantLayout
- A layout associated to a volume and a theme
- VolumeLayout
- A layout associated to a volume and a theme
- Region
- Class for a region inside a theme
- Settings
- Themes plugin settings
- ViewMode
- Class for view modes
- BlockRecord
- DisplayRecord
- FieldRecord
- GroupRecord
- LayoutRecord
- ParentPivotRecord
- TablePivotRecord
- ViewModeRecord
- ThemeFileLoader
- ScssAssetBundle
- ScssLogger
- BlockCacheService
- BlockProvidersService
- BlockService
- CreatorService
- DisplayerCacheService
- DisplayService
- EagerLoadingService
- FieldDisplayerService
- FieldsService
- FileDisplayerService
- GroupsService
- LayoutService
- RulesService
- ScssService
- Service
- ShortcutsService
- TablesService
- ThemesRegistry
- ViewModeService
- ViewService
- BlockOptionsStub
- BlockProviderStub
- BlockStub
- ComposerFileStub
- FieldDisplayerOptionsStub
- FieldDisplayerStub
- FileDisplayerOptionsStub
- FileDisplayerStub
- MainClassStub
- RegionsStub
- Stub
- Themes
- Main plugin class
- BlockCacheNode
- FieldDisplayerCacheNode
- FileDisplayerCacheNode
- ScssNode
- ThemesVariable
- BlockCacheTokenParser
- FieldDisplayerCacheTokenParser
- FileDisplayerCacheTokenParser
- ScssTokenParser
- TwigTheme
- DateOptions
- Trait to be used for configurable options that handle dates
- Ecommerce
- Integrates with commerce plugin
- ElementLayout
- Common methods for layouts that are attached to elements (not customs or defaults layouts)
- HasDisplays
- Trait to be used for classes that contains displays (view modes or groups for instance)
- Neo
- Integrates with super table plugin
- SlickOptions
- Trait to be used for configurable options that handle a slick carousel
- SlickRenderer
- Trait for displayers that display a slick carousel
- SuperTable
- Integrates with super table plugin
- ViewModeOptions
- Trait for displayer options that needs a view mode
- ViewModesOptions
- Trait for displayer options that needs view modes for several elements.